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Abstract Class cannot be Instantiated | abstract class in sap abap | abstract class

Abstract Class cannot be Instantiated | abstract class in sap abap | abstract class 

Abstract class is something which contains at least one abstract method. Now abstract method is not implemented at the implementation of abstract class. To implement that abstract method we have to create a subclass of the abstract class and then we can implement it.

We cannot create any object (instance) for an abstract class. If we instantiate then syntax error will come. We can call normal methods defined in abstract class inside the subclass (child class). Now by instantiating the subclass we can have normal methods of abstract class.

·         In the following program we define an abstract class cl_abs.
·         We have a normal method m_normal and an abstract method m_abs.
·         At the implementation part we can implement normal methods only.
·         Now we define a subclass cl_normal of the abstract class cl_abs.
·         There we define a normal method m_child and redefine the abstract method m_abs.
·         Since we already have defined the abstract method m_abs, we have to redefine it.
·         At the implementation part of this subclass we can implement the abstract method m_abs.
·         Here we can call the normal method of abstract class.
·         Now at the start of selection we only can create object for the subclass because abstract class cannot be instantiated.


*       CLASS cl_abs DEFINITION
*       This Abstract class contains abstract & normal methods
    METHODS: m_normal,
             m_abs ABSTRACT. "It will not be implemented
ENDCLASS.                    "cl_abs DEFINITION

*       Only the normal method will be implemented here
  METHOD m_normal.
    WRITE: /3 'Normal Method in Abstract class'.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "m_normal
ENDCLASS.                    "cl_abs IMPLEMENTATION

*       CLASS cl_normal DEFINITION - Concrete Class
*       Creating child class to implement the abstract method
    METHODS: m_abs REDEFINITION"Since it has already been declared
ENDCLASS.                    "cl_normal DEFINITION

*       CLASS cl_normal IMPLEMENTATION
*       The predefined abstract method is implemented in Concrete Class
  METHOD m_abs. "Previously defined Abstract Method
    WRITE: /3 'Abstract method from child of Abstract class'.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "m_abs

  METHOD m_child.
    CALL METHOD m_normal.
    WRITE: /3 'Normal child method'.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "m_child
ENDCLASS.                    "cl_normal IMPLEMENTATION

START-OF-SELECTION.  DATA: obj_normal TYPE REF TO cl_normal.

  CREATE OBJECT obj_normal.       "Instantiating the Concrete class
  CALL METHOD: obj_normal->m_abs,

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