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Redefinition of Method by Child or Sub Class

Subclass can redefine the inherited methods and can change its functionality as per requirement. Here we have to declare the methods in child class like this - METHODS METH REDEFINITION.

We have a program where we have defined 2 classes - Parent and Child classes. In the Parent class we have declared data and method in the Public section as well as Protected section. Next we have implemented these two methods as well. Then we have declared the child class inheriting from parent class. There we have declared the same methods in Public and Protected section. The only difference is that we have Redefined these methods by the statement REDEFINITION. Here at the time of implementation we have changed the functionality of those methods as well. Now in the start of selection we just call the methods by instantiating the classes. In the output we can have the reflection of parent function as well as child function also.


*       CLASS cl_parent DEFINITION
    DATA v_par_pub TYPE char40.
    METHODS m_test_pub.

    DATA v_par_pro TYPE char40.
    METHODS m_test_pro.
ENDCLASS.                    "cl_parent DEFINITION

*       CLASS cl_parent IMPLEMENTATION
  METHOD m_test_pub.
    v_par_pub = 'Parent class Public data'.
    CALL METHOD m_test_pro.

    "Protected method cannot be called from user level
    WRITE: / v_par_pub,
           / v_par_pro.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "m_test_pub

  METHOD m_test_pro.
    v_par_pro = 'Parent class Protected data'.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "m_test_pro
ENDCLASS.                    "cl_parent IMPLEMENTATION

*       CLASS cl_child DEFINITION
    DATA v_chi_pub TYPE char40.

    "Same method of parent class is redefined

    DATA v_chi_pro TYPE char40.

    "Same method of parent class is redefined
ENDCLASS.                    "cl_child DEFINITION

  METHOD m_test_pub.
    v_chi_pub = 'Child class Public data'.
    CALL METHOD m_test_pro.

    "Protected method cannot be called from user level
    WRITE: / v_chi_pub,
           / v_chi_pro.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "m_test_pub

  METHOD m_test_pro.
    v_chi_pro = 'Child class Protected data'.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "m_test_pro
ENDCLASS.                    "cl_child IMPLEMENTATION

        obj_chi TYPE REF TO cl_child.
  CREATE OBJECT: obj_par,

  "Calling the public methods only
  CALL METHOD: obj_par->m_test_pub.
  CALL METHOD: obj_chi->m_test_pub.

Below is the Output:

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